Mental Health Resources
---Mental Health Resources for the NSA Naples community---
Emergency Crisis on base dial 911, off base dial 081-568-4911
Fleet and Family Support Center
FFSC services are open to all U.S. military personnel, civilians, contractors and family members. Counseling is available for individuals (adult and adolescents,) couples and families.
- Office phone: 081-811-6372 / DSN 629-6372
- Duty phone: 331-691-8268
- Virtual Clinic Counseling (via TEAMS): +1 855-205-6749
Chaplains offer 100 percent confidential counseling with no reporting requirements on a wide variety of issues to religious and non-religious personnel. Chaplain services are open to all military personnel, civilians, contractors and family members.
- Office phone: Capodichino 081-568-3539 / DSN 626-3539 and Support Site 081-811-4600 / DSN 629-4600
- After hours duty phone: 366-680-5972
Military Family Life Counselors
Military Family Life Counselors provide confidential non-medical counseling, consultation and classes to to eligible participants.
Child & Youth Programs
- 344-441-8751
- 345-458-1417
Naples Elementary School
- 344-555-8521 (UPK and Kinder)
- 344-796-1368 (1 and 2)
- 344-720-4967 (3 and 4)
- 344-653-8425 (5 and 6)
Naples Middle / High School
- 344-686-0692 (7 and 8)
- 344-450-4000 (9 and 10)
- 344-555-3467 (11 and 12)
Joint Forces Command
- 348-119-6015 (adults only)
U.S. Naval Hospital Behavioral Health
Adult services are available upon referral from a primary care manager. Services are open to all military personnel and adult family members. Limited services are available for adult civilians and contractors.
- 081-811-6306 / DSN 629-6306
Employee Assistance Program
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) links employees and their families to a wide variety of qualified local services and provides licensed confidential support to help with difficult issues.
- Department of the Navy Civilian (APF) EAP: 001-888-320-2917 or 001-888-262-7878
- NAF EAP: 001-800-932-0034, 001-984-664-9724, WhatsApp chat only 001-984-920-6875, Freephone 80080452 or online at
Military One Source Counseling
Counseling services are open to all U.S. military personnel and family members.
- 24/7 Worldwide toll-free: 00-800-342-9647
- 24/7 Worldwide collect: 001-703-253-7599
- 24/7 Telecom Italia: 800-172-405
- 24/7 Online chat
Downloadable version here.
If you are interested in FFSC Virtual Clinical Counseling, please use the following link to complete a request form here.
---Mental Health Resources for NSA Naples Youth and Teens---
The following professionals are available 24/7. They support you and can offer advice.
Military OneSource
Counseling services are available to U.S. military family members 13 years and older.
- Worldwide toll-free: 00-800-342-9647
- Worldwide collect: 001-703-253-7599
- Telecom Italia: 800-172-405
- Online:
Fleet and Family Support Center
Services are available to U.S. military/civilian/contractor family members. Counseling for individuals (children and adolescents) and their families.
- Office: 081-811-6372 / DSN 314-629-6372
- After hours: 331-691-8268
U.S. Naval Hospital, Pediatrics and Family Medicine
To schedule an appointment with your primary care provider, call 081-811-6000 / DSN 314-629-6000 or visit
Employee Assistance Program
Links employees’ family members to qualified local services and provides licensed confidential support to help with difficult issues.
- DONCEAP: 001-888-320-2917 or 001-888-262-7878
- NAF EAP: 001-800-932-0034
Military Family Life Counselors
Military Family Life Counselors provide confidential non-medical counseling, consultation and outreach services to eligible children, youth, parents, faculty and staff both on and off military installations.
Child and Youth Programs
- 347-840-1078
- 344-441-8751
Elementary School
- 345-353-2301
- 344-450-4000
- 346-369-1675
- 345-853-8972
Middle / High School
- 345-937-8003
- 348-117-8743
- 347-643-5193
Offers 100 percent confidential counseling with no reporting requirements for a wide variety of religious and non-religious issues. Chaplain services are available to military/civilian/contractor family members.
- Office: Capodichino 081-568-3535 / DSN 314-626-3539 and Support Site 081-811-4600 / DSN 314-629-4600
- After hours: 366-680-5972
Local resources
Reach Aut provides clinical individual and family support to any age group from childhood through adulthood.
- 342-800-6115 or online at