Support Services

Base Services


Chaplains - Capodichino 081-568-3539
Chaplains - Support Site 081-811-4600
Emergency (calling from on base) 911
Emergency (calling from off base) 081-568-4911
Motor Vehicle Registration Office 081-568-5434
Naval Support Activity Naples Quarterdeck 081-568-5547
Navy and Marine Corps Relief 081-568-3913
Navy Legal Services 081-568-4576
NCIS - Capodichino 081-568-6002
Ombudsman Registry  
Pavilion Reservation - Support Site and Carney Park 081-811-4459
Post Office - Capodichino 081-568-5371
Post Office - Support Site 081-811-4336
Security - Capodichino 081-568-5044
Security - Support Site 081-811-4296
Security - Nonemergency 081-568-5638
Veterinary Clinic 081-811-7913


More Information


The NSA Naples Commissary, located on Support Site, is a modern supermarket for active-duty, reserve, and retired military and their families, and Department of Defense civilians with commissary privileges. Because the commissary is an exclusive benefit for qualifying patrons, all visitors and shoppers must show proper identification cards or other authorizing paperwork to enter the facility.



More Information

Fleet and Family Support Center

NSA Naples Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) staff recognize that being in the military is a lifestyle that presents unique challenges and opportunities for service members and their families. Fleet and Family Support programs support individual and family readiness through a full array of programs and resources, which help families to be resilient, well informed and adaptable to the military environment.

Programs include:

  • Family Support Programs (new parent support, family life education, and family advocacy).
  • Counseling -- licensed clinical counselors provide individual, marital and family counseling to adults and children. We also have an Active Duty Social Worker and an Adolescent Counselor. In addition, Sailor Assistance Intercept for Life (SAIL) Case Management to Service Members who have experienced suicidal ideation/behaviors is available.
  • Personal finances – A Financial Educator can assist you in developing a spending plan, combating debt, investing for your retirement, saving for other goals and home buying.
  • Family employment readiness – employment and volunteer opportunities at NSA Naples, resume writing, interviewing skills, job search planning, educational opportunities, and internet resources.
  • Sexual Assault Prevention and Response -- information and emotional support with medical, legal and investigative processes, including access to Victim Legal Counsel (VLC)
  • Deployment readiness – pre- and post-deployment briefs and support for service members and their families, Commands and Individual Augmentees (IA).
  • Relocation Assistance – Sponsorship training, Welcome Aboard packages and orientation briefs (for those moving to NSA Naples) and Smooth Move (for those moving away from Naples). Loaner Locker is available for personnel arriving or leaving NSA Naples Area.
  • Ombudsman – support for Sailors and their families.
  • Intercultural Relations -- culture-specific information, cross-cultural training, and Italian language classes.
  • Transition Assistance -- resources to help make the move to civilian life go smoothly for military members and their families. Transition GPS (TAP) classes offer detailed information about civilian employment, Veteran Affairs Benefits, educational opportunities, and general information about how to succeed as a civilian professional.
  • Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) -- provide program information and connection with resources for families with special needs.
  • Life Skills Education -- provides prevention and enrichment programs designed for individuals, couples, and families, but can also be tailored to command groups (e.g. Anger Management, Parenting, Stress Management, Healthy Relationships, etc.).
  • Veteran Affairs (VA) Benefit Advisors and School Liaison Office (SLO) are also available on-site for your needs.

Workshops and seminars, individual clinical and non-clinical consultation and information and referral are available to active-duty and retired military personnel, their family members and, if available, DoD employees, their spouses and contract employees. Reach us at DSN 314-629-6372; Comm: +39 081-811-6372;


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-          FFSC Class Calendar-February

-          FFSC Class Calendar-March

-          FFSC Class Calendar-April

TAP, Sponsorship Training and Smooth Movie 2025:

-          Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Workshops

-          Sponsorship Training

-          Smooth Move 



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Join our team at NSA Naples FFR! Click here for current position openings and information on how to apply.

Upcoming workshops available (Mastering Resume Essentials, Federal Hiring, LinkedIn Profiles, Interview Skills and more), are available at


To register for workshops, training or capstone classes, please call the Fleet and Family Support Center at 081-811-6372 / DSN 629-6372 or email

More Information

New Resources Available: If you are looking at renting or buying a home in the local community, there are new resources available on the Community Housing Page.


Family Housing routine trouble calls

Please submit routine trouble calls for maintenance and appliances at the following link:


Housing Service Center

Housing supports all military and Department of Defense (DoD) civilian families and unaccompanied personnel assigned to NSA Naples with a goal to help personnel locate suitable and affordable housing.

The Housing Service Center provides a wide range of services. Please bring a copy of your orders and your transportation agreement to Housing. The staff will assist you with:

  • Approved available housing on and off base
  • Approved Real Estate agents
  • Detailed market information on local areas
  • Feedback from previous renters on a specific property and/or landlord
  • Landlord information and mediation
  • Contract administration services (lease review/interpretation, termination of lease and addendums for contract renewal)
  • Assistance with interpreting utility bills

You may review approved available housing at


Base Family Housing

Family Housing Routine Housing Requests

Most housing is in apartment buildings. There are 6 to 12 units per building for both officer and enlisted families. Apartments are configured as 2-, 3- and 4-bedroom units.

All units are equipped with:

  • Kitchen with refrigerator, gas stove/oven, microwave, and dishwasher
  • Laundry room with American-style washer and dryer
  • Central heat and air conditioning
  • Cable TV (AFN and Skye are available)
  • ADSL Internet access is available
  • Wired for 110- and 220-volt electric
  • Refrigerator
  • Stove
  • Washer and dryer (gas or electric)
  • Wardrobes (one per family member)
  • Two transformers

Pet Policy

Two pets (dogs and cats) are permitted in base housing. Pets must be microchipped and registered with the Veterinary Clinic. Cats must be spayed or neutered. Dogs must be 70 pounds or less. Some dog breeds are not allowed on base, so check with the NSA Naples Veterinary Clinic before shipping your pet(s). Exotic pets such as reptiles and spiders are prohibited, with no exceptions to this policy. It is important you let your sponsor know about your pet requirement before you arrive. If you rent on the local economy, most landlords allow cats and dogs.


Unaccompanied Housing

Unaccompanied Housing Routine Trouble Calls/Housing Requests

All E-4 and below unaccompanied personnel assigned in NSA Naples and its tenant commands will reside in Unaccompanied upon arrival. If you wish to move to off-base housing, you must receive approval through your local command.

Are you interested in becoming a Resident Advisor (RA) to mentor Junior Sailors? Please let us know. An RA room consists of a private room and a separate living room, plus reserved parking.


Mold and Mildew

Mold and mildew occur more easily in humid climates. Whether you reside in Military Family Housing, Unaccompanied Housing or Off-base housing, it is no surprise that mold is a topic of interest. The construction methods used in Europe are different than in the United States. Europeans are very familiar with the importance of providing adequate air circulation year round in their homes, which significantly reduces the chances of mold and mildew growth. This area typically experiences very wet and damp conditions during the spring, fall and winter months, which produces conditions for mold and mildew growth.

Sources of water infiltration that lead to mold and mildew are primarily the steam from a bathroom shower, cooking and condensation on the windows. Mold and mildew can be seen on bedrooms close to the bathroom or on the other side of a shared wall. A great way to mitigate this issue is with ventilation. 

Here are some tips for preventing mold and mildew problems:

  • Keep your bathroom window cracked open during a shower or bath.
  • Open the windows to allow fresh air into your home or apartment on nice days.
  • Leave space around your furniture to allow air flow.
  • Clean up food and drink spills promptly.
  • Periodically open the doors on your cabinets to allow air to circulate in your storage areas.

All mold and mildew issues, regardless of species, are treated the same:  Control the moisture source and remediate the contamination. Mold sampling results do not change this, nor do they provide a reliable indication of health risk. Fortunately, mold is something that be combatted!

Also, use dehumidifiers to help you fight the good fight. Dehumidifiers are available for both on-base and off-base housing. Contact the Teverola warehouse at 081-811-4242 / DSN 629-4242 to arrange pick up. If you do not receive an answer, contact the Warehouse Manager at 081-811-4270 / DSN 629-4270. 

Housing Services is standing by to assist you. 

  • Housing Trouble Desk at 081-811-4285/4286 / DSN 629-4285/4286.
  • After-hours support, call the NSA Quarterdeck at 081-568-5547 / DSN DSN 626-5547.


Renter's Insurance

When living in government housing or on the economy, it is important to be covered with renter’s insurance. It is your responsibility – military members and civilians – to protect your possessions and cover the cost of damages the unit or rental home you may accidentally cause. Protect yourself from unexpected expenses with this relatively inexpensive insurance. If you have an existing renter's insurance policy, please make sure the coverage is sufficient.  For more details about renter's insurance, contact your Legal Services Office. Download informational poster here.


Furnishings Program

Housing provides military members and DoD civilians residing in off-base housing the following items for the duration of your tour at NSA Naples:

Temporary furnishings such as beds, sofa, table, and chairs are available for loan until your household goods arrive. Kitchen items are available for temporary loan from the Loaner Locker located at the NSA Naples Fleet and Family Support Center.


How may we help? Housing issue resolution

All resident suggestions, concerns or complaints are important! If you are not satisfied with our service, we have a three-step resolution process


Useful phone numbers

Housing - After hours trouble calls 081-568-4981
Housing - Maintenance 081-811-4246
Personal Property 081-811-6778

More Information

American Red Cross 081-568-4788
Clinic appointments - Capodichino 081-568-4786
Clinic appointments - Support Site 081-811-6272
Dental appointments 081-811-6007
Dental Clinic - Capodichino 081-568-4644
Dental Clinic - Support Site 081-811-6007
Hospital 081-811-6155
Hospital - Emergency Room


Tricare 081-811-6330

More Information

Mental Health Resources

-----Mental Health Resources for the NSA Naples community-----

Emergency Crisis on base dial 911, off base dial 081-568-4911

Fleet and Family Support Center
FFSC services are open to all U.S. military personnel, civilians, contractors and family members. Counseling is available for individuals (adult and adolescents,) couples and families.

  • Office phone: 081-811-6372 / DSN 629-6372 
  • Duty phone: 331-691-8268

Chaplains offer 100 percent confidential counseling with no reporting requirements on a wide variety of issues to religious and non-religious personnel. Chaplain services are open to all military personnel, civilians, contractors and family members.

  • Office phone:  Capodichino 081-568-3539 / DSN 626-3539 and Support Site 081-811-4600 / DSN 629-4600
  • After hours duty phone:  366-680-5972

Military Family Life Counselors
Military Family Life Counselors provide confidential non-medical counseling, consultation and outreach services to eligible children, youth, parents, faculty and staff both on and off military installations.

Child & Youth Programs

  • 344-441-8751
  • 345-458-1417

Naples Elementary School

  • 344-555-8521 (UPK and Kinder)
  • 344-796-1368 (1 and 2)
  • 344-720-4967 (3 and 4)
  • 344-653-8425 (5 and 6)

Naples Middle / High School 

  • 344-686-0692 (7 and 8)
  • 344-449-5509 (9 and 10)
  • 344-555-3467 (11 and 12)      

U.S. Naval Hospital Behavioral Health
Adult services are available upon referral from a primary care manager. Services are open to all military personnel and adult family members. Limited services are available for adult civilians and contractors.

  • 081-811-6306 / DSN 629-6306

Employee Assistance Program
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) links employees and their families to a wide variety of qualified local services and provides licensed confidential support to help with difficult issues.

  • Department of the Navy Civilian (APF) EAP: 001-888-320-2917 or 001-888-262-7878
  • NAF EAP: 001-800-932-0034

Military One Source Counseling
Counseling services are open to all U.S. military personnel and family members.

Downloadable version here.


-----Mental Health Resources for NSA Naples Youth and Teens-----



The following professionals are available 24/7. They support you and can offer advice.

Military OneSource
Counseling services are available to U.S. military family members 13 years and older.

Fleet and Family Support Center
Services are available to U.S. military/civilian/contractor family members. Counseling for individuals (children and adolescents) and their families.

  • Office:  081-811-6372 / DSN 314-629-6372
  • After hours:  331-691-8268

U.S. Naval Hospital, Pediatrics and Family Medicine
To schedule an appointment with your primary care provider, call 081-811-6000 / DSN 314-629-6000 or visit

Employee Assistance Program 
Links employees’ family members to qualified local services and provides licensed confidential support to help with difficult issues.

  • DONCEAP:   001-888-320-2917 or 001-888-262-7878
  • NAF EAP:  001-800-932-0034

Military Family Life Counselors
Military Family Life Counselors provide confidential non-medical counseling, consultation and outreach services to eligible children, youth, parents, faculty and staff both on and off military installations.

Child & Youth Programs

  • 347-840-1078
  • 344-441-8751

Elementary School

  • 345-353-2301
  • 344-450-4000
  • 346-369-1675
  • 345-853-8972

Middle / High School

  • 345-937-8003
  • 348-117-8743
  • 347-643-5193

Offers 100 percent confidential counseling with no reporting requirements for a wide variety of religious and non-religious issues. Chaplain services are available to military/civilian/contractor family members.

Office:  Capodichino 081-568-3535 / DSN 314-626-3539 and Support Site 081-811-4600 / DSN 314-629-4600
After hours:  366-680-5972

Local Resources

Joy Center:  Supports the emotional, social and developmental needs of children from all U.S. military bases in Italy.
366-724-6600 or

Reach Aut:  Provides clinical individual and family support to any age group from childhood through adulthood.
342-800-6115 or

Downloadable version here.

More Information

Mental Health Resources (CLDJ)

Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti
Mental Health Resources

Emergency Crisis on base dial 1-911, off base dial (+253) 77-121-904

Fleet and Family Support Center
FFSC services are open to all U.S. military personnel, civilians and contractors. Counseling is available for individuals.
• Duty phone:  (+253) 77-709-865
• Office phone:  DSN 311-824-4395

Chaplains offer 100 percent confidential counseling with no reporting requirements on a wide variety of issues to religious and non-religious personnel. Chaplain services are open to all military personnel, civilians and contractors.
• Duty phone:  (+253) 77-271-230
• Office phone:  DSN 311-824-5076

Military & Family Life
Military & Family Life Counselor is available to all active-duty, Reserve and National Guard military members.  Services provides on a variety of personal and family issues and are provided via a virtual platform.
• WhatsApp:  (+1) 505-720-8012
• Email:

EMF Behavioral Health Services
EMF Behavioral Health Services are available to all Active-Duty, Reserve and National Guard military members. Walk-ins appointments are accepted.
• DSN 311-824-5626 or 311-824-4539

Military OneSource
Counseling Services are open to all U.S. military personnel and family members.
• 24/7 Worldwide toll-free: 00-800-342-9647
• 24/7 Worldwide collect: 001-703-253-7599
• 24/7 Online chat

More Information

Navy Exchange

Navy Exchange includes a variety of services for your shopping convenience. The main retail store is located on Support Site and clothing for the entire family, toiletries, houseware, giftware, electronics, pet supplies, and outdoor furniture.

Other NEX services at NSA Naples include:

  • Auto Port
  • Barber Shops at Support Site and Capodichino
  • Beauty Salons at Support Site and Capodichino
  • Flower Shops at Support Site and Capodichino
  • Food courts at Support Site and Capodichino
  • Laundry and dry cleaners
  • Military Auto Source
  • MiniMarts at Support Site and Capodichino
  • Optical Shop
  • Village Forum Café

Proceeds from the Navy Exchange support Navy Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) programs.

More Information

Navy Gateway Inns & Suites

Navy Gateway Inns & Suites (NGIS) is military lodging with accommodations for transient military and authorized civilian guests on orders. It also accommodates leisure travelers on a space-available basis.

Complimentary amenities include:

  • WiFi
  • Flat-screen TVs with cable including HBO
  • Cordless phone
  • Clock radio
  • Keurig coffee maker
  • Hairdryer
  • Portable fan
  • Iron and ironing board
  • Microwave and refrigerator
  • Kitchenettes (some suites for extended stays)
  • On-site laundry facilities are available
  • On-site vending machines (MiniMart is located a few doors away)
  • Shuttle bus to/from Support Site (location of the main NEX, commissary, bowling center, and movie theater)

Pets are not allowed.

Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are accepted. Please, no personal checks.

NSA Naples NGIS is located within walking distance of the Capodichino Airport. From the NSA Naples main gate, continue to follow the road for about 10 minutes and turn left at the street between the Child Development Center and the east parking garage. The NGIS is straight ahead.

Taxi service is available. Airport pick-up at NGIS available through Muto Travel +39 339 1618395. Please request assistance at NGIS front desk, since only one company is authorized on to the base.

(877) NAVYBED (877-628-9233)


More Information

Navy Gold Star

The Navy Gold Star program is designed to provide long-term support to surviving family members of deceased active-duty military members. The program’s two goals are to keep survivors connected with the military and to assist them with achieving resiliency and well-being.

Eligible survivors include spouses, children (biological, adoptive and step), parents (biological, adoptive, step and foster) and siblings (biological, adoptive and half). Survivors remain part of the Navy family and are welcome at Fleet and Family Service Centers to receive authorized assistance.

For more information, go to



More Information

Navy Lodge

Navy Lodge is your “home when you’re between homes.” All military personnel reporting to NSA Naples who are not directly assigned to government housing will be required to stay at the Navy Lodge while looking for housing accommodations. Please coordinate with your sponsor to make reservations.

The facility includes air conditioning, private baths, and fully furnished kitchenettes. Some suites are available. It is 100 percent non-smoking and offers pet-friendly rooms (in villas).

Complimentary amenities include:

  • Breakfast
  • Newspaper (Stars and Stripes)
  • WiFi
  • Flat-screen TV with cable
  • DVD player
  • Phone
  • Clock radio
  • Hairdryer
  • Iron and ironing board
  • On-site laundry
  • Crib
  • Roll-away bed



More Information

Navy Voting

The Navy Voting Assistance Program (NVAP) provides voting assistance to all Department of the Navy personnel, Department of Defense (DoD) civilians and their families around the world.

NVAP ensures all Navy and DoD personnel receive timely and accurate information regarding applicable state and federal elections.

If you have any questions about absentee voting, voter registration, upcoming elections or other voting-related questions, please check with your Voting Assistance Officer or the Federal Voting Assistance Program website. The Federal Voting Assistance Program is the Department of Defense agency responsible for making sure that absentee voters can easily exercise their right to vote.


Other resources

Online Voting Assistance

Voting Assistance Guide

More Information

Navy Wounded Warrior

Navy Wounded Warrior (NWW) is the Navy's sole organization for coordinating the non-medical care of seriously wounded, ill and injured Sailors and Coast Guardsmen. It provides resources and support to them, their families and caregivers. The program provides individually-tailored assistance designed to optimize the success of the wounded warriors' recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration activities.

NWW helps Sailors and Coast Guardsmen return to duty, and when that is not possible, the program works collaboratively with federal agencies as well as state and local organizations to ease wounded warriors back into their communities. 

How do Sailors and Coast Guardsmen enroll in NWW?
Sailors and Coast Guardsmen may self-refer to the program or be referred by family, command leadership or medical providers.

Who is eligible for enrollment?
NWW enrollment is available to seriously wounded, ill and injured Sailors and Coast Guardsmen, including:

  • OIF/OEF/OND casualties
  • Shipboard and training accidents
  • Liberty accidents
  • Serious medical and psychological condition (e.g. cancer, PTS)

What is non-medical care management?
Non-medical care management teams tailor support to each enrolled service member’s needs, including:

  • Comprehensive Recovery Plan
  • Pay and personnel issues
  • Invitational Travel Orders
  • Lodging and housing adaptation
  • Child and youth care
  • Transportation needs
  • Education benefits and training and employment opportunities
  • Commissary and Exchange access
  • Respite care
  • TBI/PTS support services
  • Adaptive sports and reconditioning
  • Transition assistance

Additional resources

Caregiver Resources
Navy Wounded Warrior on Facebook
Navy Wounded Warrior on Twitter
National Resource Directory
Social Security Administration: Disability Benefits for Wounded Warriors
Department of Veterans Affairs: SGLI Traumatic Injury Protection Program (TSGLI)


More Information

Relocating to Naples

Welcome to Naples!

View the "Welcome to Naples" guide here.

More useful PCS Information and Support is available here.


Useful numbers:

Motor Vehicle Registration 081-811-6876
Navy Lodge Front Desk 081-811-6289
NSA Naples Passenger Air Terminal 081-568-5283
PSD (CAC and ID cards) 081-568-5945

More Information

Wellness Resources

Naples Wellness Resources

Culture of Excellence 2.0 Playbook

Culture of Excellence 2.0 Placemat



Mental/Psychological Toughness

Financial Fitness

Legal Fitness



Get adequate sleep, healthy nutrition, hydration and movement



Connect with something greater, sustain a sense of purpose and live your personal values



Maintain healthy and supportive connections with family, friends and shipmates


*No Navy endorsement implied.

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