Wellness Collective
Wellness starts with taking care of your whole self: Your mind, body, spirit and social life.
Here are resources to help you find your work/life balance. Do something for yourself today! That may be joining a club, taking a walk in a park, talking to a spiritual counselor, downloading an app or starting a new hobby.
For more information on the NSA Naples wellness initiative, call 081-811-6372 / DSN 629-6372.
Is there a resource missing from the list? Email us at NSANaplesFFSC@us.navy.mil so we can add it!
Mental/Psychological Toughness
- Chaplains Religious Enrichment Development Operation (CREDO)
- Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC)
- Libraries (MWR)
- Military.Tutor.com*
- Navy App Locker
- Navy College
- University of Maryland Global Campus*
- Virtual Clinical Counseling
Financial Fitness
- Career Opportunities (American Red Cross)*
- Civilian Employee Assistance Program (APF and NAF)
- Financial Counseling (Military OneSource)*
- Loans and Budgets Information (Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society)*
- Navy Federal Credit Union*
- Personal Financial Management (Fleet and Family Support Center)
- Tax Filing Software (MilTax)*
Legal Fitness
- Defense Service Offices
- Legal Assistance (Region Legal Services Office)
- Victim’s Legal Counsel
*No Navy endorsement implied.

Get adequate sleep, healthy nutrition, hydration and movement
- American Soccer Club
- Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Judo classes (MWR)
- CoachHub: A Mobile Coach for Your Life*
- Dance classes (MWR)
- Dental Services (U.S. Naval Hospital)
- Fitness Centers and unmanned access form (MWR)
- Group Exercise classes (MWR)
- Health Promotions and Wellness (U.S. Naval Hospital)
- Naples Health Services (U.S. Naval Hospital)
- Naples Medical Guide (Stars and Stripes)*
- Navy Operational Fitness Fueling System (NOFFS)
- Prep and Plate
- Smoking Cessation Classes (U.S. Naval Hospital)
- Women, Infants, and Children Overseas (WIC)
- Visiting Nurse Services (Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society)*
- Yoga classes (American Red Cross)*
*No Navy endorsement implied.

Connect with something greater, sustain a sense of purpose and live your personal values
- Carney Park Outdoor Recreation
- Chapel Worship Services
- Chaplains Religious Enrichment Development Operation (CREDO)
- Non-Medical Clinical Counseling Spiritual Specialty (Military OneSource)*
- Olde Mill Inn Park, Gaeta (MWR)
- Parks and Green Spaces in the Naples area
- Religious Ministries Team
- Volunteer Program (American Red Cross)*
- Volunteer Opportunities (MWR)
*No Navy endorsement implied.

Maintain healthy and supportive connections with family, friends and shipmates
- Air Force Council*
- American Red Cross*
- Anchored4Life
- Boy Scouts*
- Catholic Women of the Chapel (CWOC)*
- Captain's Cup Intramural Sports (MWR)
- Chaplains Religious Enrichment Development Operation (CREDO)
- Chiefs Mess*
- - JFC
- - Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station
- Chief Petty Officer Mess, CNREURAFCENT*
- Chief Petty Officer Association, Sixth Fleet*
- Cub Scouts*
- E-Sports (MWR)
- Exceptional Family Member Program (Fleet and Family Support Center)
- Filipino-American Association*
- First Class Petty Officer Association*
- - JFC
- - Naples Area
- Gay, Lesbian and Supporting Sailors*
- Girl Scouts*
- Good Samaritan Caholic Community*
- Harry S Truman Lodge 649*
- Intercultural Relations classes and trips (Fleet and Family Support Center)
- Joint Forces Command events, activities and gym (Morale and Welfare Association)
- JFC NATO Rugby Club*
- Knights of Columbus*
- Liberty Center (MWR)
- Love Every Day Relationship Resilience Tool (Military OneSource)*
- Military Family Life Counselors (Child and Youth Programs, Naples Elementary School and Middle High School)
- Naples Area Junior Enlisted Association*
- Naples Area Security Association*
- Naples Cub Scouts*
- Naples Junior ROTC*
- Naples Middle High School Athletic Boosters*
- Naples Middle High School Music Boosters*
- Naples Pickleball*
- Naples Swim Club*
- Napoli Operational Support Club*
- New Parent Support Program (Fleet and Family Support Center)
- Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society*
- NSA Naples Recreation Committee*
- Parent Teacher Association*
- - Naples Elementary School
- - Naples Middle High School
- Peer-to-Peer Support (Military OneSource)*
- Protestant Women of the Chapel (PWOC)*
- Reel Times 2 Cinema (MWR)
- S&G Tours*
- Seabees Association*
- Strikers Bowling Center (MWR)
- Tickets & Travel (MWR)
- USO*
- Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 12159*
- Visiting Nurse Services for New Parents (Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society)*
- Welfare & Recreation Association*
*No Navy endorsement implied.
- Emergency Preparedness
- Ombudsman Network
- Safety
- Translation Services (Military OneSource)*
*No Navy endorsement implied.
Naples Wellness Resources
Culture of Excellence 2.0 Playbook
Culture of Excellence 2.0 Placemat